Internet Marketing And web 2.0 Tips – Explained
Social Bookmarking and link-back marketing – Brew it all up into a web 2.0 design and you have it licked!
Internet Marketing and Optimizing web pages for Google and other search engines is not enough.
Link-back marketing is the affective way to increase your PR rating.
Sites such as Stumble Upon, Digg and del.icio.us and Twitter make it easy to share the latest advances and additions to your website with the world at large, and they can provide a customer with a great stream of traffic we use Social Bookmark Scripts and SEO (search engine optimization) for all our websites
A successful concept for your online marketing has to be regarded in a more comprehensive way and must include the community
with interactive web 2.0 applications.
Web 2.0 is part of the community and vice versa. Social bookmarking is part of it, too.
What network do you use for socal networking and internet marketing?
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